Eat Local, or Else.

Starting June 1st the New Orleans Locavores are challenging New Orleanians to eat food from within a 200 mile radius.  It is a message which has taken over much of the rest of America, and now finally we start to seeds of healthy food being planted in New Orleans.  Eating from within two hundred miles is not that big of a challenge, as it is a commitment.  Before refrigeration, people ate what Mother Earth provided, and the confining mentality of "gotta have it now" did not exist.  So challenge yourself, to eat healthier for your community.  The only requirement is the ability to ask questions.  Next time you are in a restaurant, ask where the server where the butter comes from, or where the onions are grown.  Just think about it like wine, where local variations in temperature and geography affect the taste of the juice.  And next time you are in a "local" supermarket ask why 75% of the food is not from here.

Checkout the Website for Details

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