Gastronomic Thoughts

What is the difference between food and art? Some say none, some may say a little, but I say that there are more similarities than differences between the two. Sure, food is art, but when was the last time you ate a painting or smelled a picture? That is the major difference, to me, food becomes more personal since you are actually ingesting the creation and not simply admiring it. Food can be heightened to the level of art, but can also remain on the level of simple sustenance. When food becomes art it should appeal to all of the senses. The visual flavor of food should make your eyes salivate; the aroma should build the anticipation of the first bite; the sound of a good conversation served over a meal should enhance the flavor of the food, and finally the last part, you ingest the first bite and the piece of edible art finally consumed can either be a Monet or a Monot, but that is the beauty of it all. The autonomy of art related to food is once a dish is created the cook's opinion is null and void, but it is up to the consumer to decide. Not sure why I decided to write this little rant, but I did. So eat whatever you want to eat, and trust your own opinion.

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