Who is Fernand Point?

It was another chance happenstance, which brought me to meeting Fernand Point.  Never having met him in person, we were introduced through books, stories, and a project in Introduction to Gastronomy class at Food School.

Words nor pictures can capture the spirit of certain people, but it is of my understanding the monsieur Fernand was one of the first chefs to enter the dinning room.  The start of nouvelle cuisine began with a phone call each morning to his purveyors at the market.  Monsieur Point paid whichever amount needed to secure the best quality products from his purveyors, money was no object in creating grande cuisine.  Everything in the kitchen started from scratch each morning, everything.  Stocks were made daily, sauces were made ala minute, a cuisine resting on outstanding products and exquisite technique, all met in harmony on a plate and presented to the guest in the highest fashion.

Story goes, two farmers making a delivery to La Pyramide  happen to be wondering through the garden, when Monsieur Point happen to ask what they were up to?  Responding, just to wonder through the garden of this famous restaurant is enough to tell our kids a great tale.  Point would have none of this.  The gentlemen will have the finest seat in the house, drink the finest wine we have, and eat the grandest lunch, for without the farmer's there is no food.  On the other hand, Monsieur Point dealt with situations he disagreed with very favorably.  If guests of the restaurant were to light a smoke during a meal, they were promptly brought coffee and the bill.  Smoking is for the end of the meal, if need be.  When German officers started to show for dinner during the occupation, La Pyramide closed.

A cook who entertained with purpose and soul, Fernand Point. (to me) 

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